Our Sea

Macaronesia is the colective name of five archipelagos in the North Atlantic: Azores, Canary Islands, Cape Verde, Madeira and Selvagens Islands. The term comes from the Greek μακάρων νησοι o μακάρων νήσοι (sacred islands), fortune islands, islands of the blessed. The islands that belong to Macaronesia are from volcanic origin and hold a particularly varied and diverse flora with plenty of endemic species. The Macaronesian climate is determined by dominant winds (trade winds and sirocco occasionally), oceanic streams (Canary stream) and its geographic latitude 


Grandes Playas de Corralejo

Macaronesian Sailor is located in Corralejo, in the north coast of Fuerteventura Isle, in The Canary Islands archipelago

Fuerteventura is characterized by its long sandy areas that colour in golden the coast line of Fuerteventura, one of the most seducing areas and with greater ecological value in the Canary Islands. Among its natural treasures, we should point out the Natural Park Corralejo Dunes where surfers come in search for waves

Our closest sea, our sea. We can find in it other fantastic places for docking in harbor or anchorages in protected bays

The Natural Resrve Isla de Lobos, whose depths are very well appreciated by divers. From Corralejo we can enjoy the permanent view of the islet Isla de Lobos in the horizon. Due to its proximity from Corralejo, the sailing is very short, just 4 miles to the dock of Lobos. This is a dock you can’t miss in your route in Fuerteventura.


The landscape of the east of the Canary Islands is a synonym of volcanoes. Impressive landscapes remind us of the Martian surface and contrast to the typical white houses, the blue sea and the light-blue sky. In this island, a biosphere reserve, you can find lively touristic spots and peaceful little towns.


This island is located a little bit farther than 3 miles from the north coast of Lanzarote. Orzola Harbor is the closest one and from it set sail those boats that make day trips or regular lines to the island. The island is placed in the Marine Reserve of the Chinijo Arquipelago, made of La Graciosa, Roque del Este, Alegranza, Montana Clara and Risco de Famara.

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